Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Tech Day at West York

In working with the station rotation model at West York Middle School, I have been providing professional learning opportunities for staff.  On the day before Thanksgiving, I was able to be there while the students led the PD session.  Billed as a tech learning day, the reins of some of the presentations got turned over to the students who led the teachers through some tech integration.  Students gave up a day of their vacation to attend.

Dennis Albertson was the faculty organizer.  He used Google Hangouts to communicate to all of the rooms.  Students introduced themselves and communicated throughout the morning.  

This was a great chance for students and staff to become invested in learning about technology.  Kudos to WYASD - I'm glad I get to work with such a dedicated staff:).

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing what stays on the internet. A much belated thank you for all you do for the teaching profession.
    Dennis Albertson
